COVID-19 Task Force issued the new requirements, which mandates foreign nationals entering Indonesia must test negative for the coronavirus, and to show a certificate that indicates they have received full dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

The new regulation was met with strong reactions from foreign nationals, who took to social media to air their frustrations. Even for those who want to get vaccinated in Indonesia, they must meet certain criteria and requirements. All of the new requirements are applicable at least until July 20, which is the last day of Indonesia’s Emergency Enforcement of Restrictions on Public Activities (Emergency PPKM or PPKM Darurat in Indonesian), pending further review for extension.

Foreigners arriving in Indonesia also now required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. In addition to presenting a vaccination card, foreign visitors must also prove they have undergone a PCR Swab Test with a “negative” result before boarding their flight to Indonesia. Once landed in Indonesia, the foreign traveler must undergo another PCR Test and then submit to 8 days of quarantine in a designated hotel. At the end of the 8-day quarantine period, another PCR Test is required. If the final test remains “negative” for the coronavirus, the foreigner can then leave quarantine.